Saturday, April 14, 2007

Featured Mom- Mathes Jones

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.
You really have to love yourself to
get anything done in this world.
~Lucille Ball

For anyone that still hasn't heard our interview with Mathes Jones, give yourself a HUGE gift and listen to it here:

Mathes Jones, author of The No Struggle Plan for Weight Loss and Everything Else, is an authority on the “inner body game.” After suffering an eating disorder twice in her life, she realized she needed to consciously heal the problem permanently. Not only did she do that “effortlessly and easily,” but along the way discovered that the subject of body, weight and food was simply a metaphor for any of the issues we humans seem to struggle with. Her claim to fame is that, as a fit, healthy 50-ish woman, she’s still getting hit on by younger men to the amusement, and, at times, bemusement, of her four daughters.

Learning how to let go of struggle has given her the ability to ask more interesting questions of herself and her life. Her current favorite is, “How good can I stand it?” Get Mathes' book @

And don't forget to listen to the interview! It's free and it's right here:

Anyway, I just had the pleasure of spending a few days with Mathes in beautiful San Clemente, California (where she lives). I had gone to Cali for a wedding with my family, and we decided to go pay Mathes a visit and check out her town. What a treat! The town is absolutely gorgeous (and very family-oriented!) and Mathes is just such an inspiration. She was an incredible tour guide, and her groundedness and wisdom just poured off of her and rubbed off on all of us. Livvie, my daughter, just fell in love w/ her and my husband learned a lot from her as well.

Mathes' book and the interview I was so privileged to do with her have literally changed my life. I have learned (and am continuing to learn) how to honor my body and love myself on a deeper level than I have ever experienced. I've given up my "no pain, no gain" philosophy and replaced it with self-love. Really good stuff. Please give this gift to yourself! Again, you can listen to the interview (free!) here:

Or go to her website to get the book @

Also, don't forget you can check Mathes out on our Featured Mom page @

Want to be the Featured Empowered Mom?

Please send submissions to be considered for the Featured Empowered Mom, including your name, phone #, email address, and your story (why we should consider you!) to Please put "Featured Mom" in the subject line.

Enjoy! And please feel free to pass this along to anyone else who may benefit from listening to the interview w/ Mathes or reading our newsletter.

Expect miracles!


Monday, February 26, 2007

Creating A Vision...

It is the ultimate wisdom of the mountains that a man is never more a man than when he is striving for what is beyond his grasp.

~James Ramsey Ullman

Talk about inspiring....

We got together last night (myself and some of my business partners) to create our visions via dreamboards. Sooooo much fun! We used the banquet room @ Cindy's restaurant, Mandolina's in Conifer ( where we got to eat the most incredible food (yum!) while talking about what we want to create in our lives. It doesn't get much better than that... CREATING YOUR LIFE...

We're talking about a life by design, what could be better?

Here are some photos from the event....

Creation in progress.....

Cindy shows off her diamond (one of her dreams)!

Sharing our visions...

Feels good to have a vision.... and my husband was certainly inspired when I came home and showed him the new home I designed for us!

It was especially inspiring to hear about everybody else's dreams.... it sure is fascinating what we're able to create.... not to mention how different we all are. And it's true about us not needing to worry about there being "enough to go around", cause we all want different things....

And, as Charles Kingsley so eloquently put it, "We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."
So get out your magazines and create your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a dreamboard party.... w/ your husband or wife, kids, friends, neighbors, church, a club you belong to... you get the picture (no pun intended!). THEN, send me an email and tell me how it went (and send pictures, too!!!). This can be truly transformational....
And once all of the dreams become reality you get to do it all over again...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Get inspired or get out of the way....

"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing."

~Michael Gerber

Well, I'm back from Unseminar 3 which took place over the weekend on Lake Travis in Austin, Texas. What an incredible weekend!!!

I learned soooooo much and I got to hang out w/ Joe Vitale and Pat O'Bryan (a couple of my heros!!!!), not to mention Amy Scott Grant (our current Featured Empowered Mom, she was one of the speakers as well!).

We were even blessed enough to have Alan Abel w/ us... the world-famous professional hoaxer. What a treat! We became fast friends.... he's a riot!

The theme of the weekend was "The Defining Moment". We heard about some of the defining moments in Joe's life and got to look at some of ours. It's amazing how some of the most defining moments at events like these tend to happen on the breaks, in conversations w/ the other participants and speakers. One of my defining moments this weekend happened in my hotel room in the middle of the night while conversing w/ my roommate who I had just met for the first time that morning. Another was in a late-night conversation w/ Pat O'Bryan while he was sipping scotch and smoking cigars. Real ah-ha moments. Life-changing experiences that I will never forget.... turning points. They come when you least expect them. It's really a beautiful thing...

Anyway, it was a sensational weekend and I'll be looking forward to the next one. I'll keep you posted....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Featured Mom- Amy Scott Grant

We are happy to announce our first Featured Empowered Mom, Amy Scott Grant!

Amy Scott Grant is the author of The Success Method, available at, and she is an authority on success mindset and wealth attraction. After spending more than 10 years in health care upper management, Amy struck out on her own and failed miserably during her first year as an entrepreneur. At that point, she became an avid student of personal development and mindset techniques, and today she owns several successful websites and continues to create mind-boggling products. Amy is a mother of two little girls, and is committed to teaching people to dump the victim mentality and lack-focused thinking and she empowers people to change their minds and choose a life without limits.

I had an exciting (and inspiring!) interview with Amy yesterday. You can click here to listen to it (it's free!).

We will be having live conference call interviews withour Featured Mom in the future. Amy was leaving town today so we went ahead and recorded the interview so that you wouldn't have to wait for your dose of inspiration from her!

Amy has a workshop coming up called The Road Trip To Riches which will be starting on January 25th. This course is designed for the person who is finally ready to break free of the chains of lack and create a life of prosperity and freedom, beginning immediately. Click here for more information or to register:

This course has a money-back guarantee! Amy and her partner,Karrie King, are so committed to people successfully completing the course, that they are guaranteeing you will earn triple what you paid for the course by the time it ends or they will give you a full refund! That's amazing!

Amy talks about more of the specifics of the course during our interview, and again, you can listen to that at:

Also, you can check out Amy on our website, on the homepage as well as our new Featured Mom page! That's:

And, if you are interested in BEING the Featured EmpoweredMom, please send submissions to be considered, including your name, phone #, email address, and your story (why we should consider you!) to Please put "Featured Mom" in the subject line.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and enjoy your Road Trip To Riches!!

Love, Blessings, and Abundance,

Amy Starr Allen